Wednesday, 19 February 2014

There are too many URL Shortening Services over the Internet to shorten your URL. But they don't pay you for shortening and sharing your URL. But these 5 do pay you for every visitor that opens your link. There are more than these 5 available on the Internet that pay you but these 5 are the major. Here's The List :-

AD FLY is a known service. It pays  $5 For Every 1000 visitors. And pays when you reach $5 via paypal alertpay or check. This one is the service people use right now so it would be a good place to advertise too. Has a referrel program too.

Another URL Shortner like adfly. Started in 2005 its now one of the major ones. This one is the same as adfly and you can trust it. Its a cool place to advertise your website.

It is similar to the above ones. Pays when you reach $20 via paypal or alertpay. Has a referrel program.

4. iLix
$1.25 per 1000 visitors. Also provides link protection. Has a refferrel program.

5. WWY
Pays $4 for every 1000 visitors. Payout via paypal and alertpay.


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