There are a lot of web hosts that offer free web hosting. Here i have listed 10 free web hosts that provide free web hosting. Among those thousands of web hosts over the Internet there are a very less you can trust. There are a lot of free hosts that offer free web hosting but they give a very low amount of disk space that is not sufficient. In this list i have listed out hosts who give you a sufficient amount of disk space and bandwidth and you can trust these hosts.
1. 3 OWLS
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Disk space
- No Ads
- Php, Mysql, Sql
-, Perl, CGI-BIN
- Free Website Builder
- Software Installer Like Softaculous
- Cpanel
- Sub Domains
2. Host-Ed
- 1 GB Disk Space
- 10 GB Bandwidth
- No Ads
- Php,, Perl
- Msql, and one more type of database(i forgot the name)
- Software Installer(Script Installer)
- Cpanel
- Sub Domains
3. 000Web Host
- 1.5 GB Disk Space
- 100 GB monthly Bandwidth
- No Ads
- Sub Domains
- Custom Panel
- CGI, Ruby, Python, PHP
- Mysql, Sql
No Image
4. Googie Host
- 11 GB disk Space
- 20 GB Bandwidth
- Ads
- Sub Domains
- Php, CGI, Perl
- Mysql, Sql
5. 0nline
- 8 GB Disk Space
- 80 GB Bandwidth
- No Ads
- Php, CGI, Perl, cURL
- Mysql, Sql
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